Monday, August 24, 2020

Poem about my uncle koko and dad

 My Uncle Frank

I have an uncle his name is Frank, he was on the log flume it nearly sank
Basketball is his game of his choice, that's good for him he has a loud voice
Fried rice is his favourite food, his favourite word is also dude
6 foot 1 he is very tall, compared to him im very small
We laugh we play he makes me mad, but he’s my uncle and for that i'm glad

My Koko

Koko is a manager and shoplifters he`s caught 
Most likely it's all because he’s really good at sport
Burgers, fries, drinks, he buys me these, I quite often get a brain freeze
He hears me when I talk a lot, he laughs and asks do you ever stop
He’s my Koko yes indeed, he believes i can succeed

My Dad 

My dad is a truck driver, he likes fishing and is a good diver
Pauas,kinas he catches these, he likes seafood and Mc Ds  
He once was a builder of houses and decks, at 6 foot 5 he’s taller than Shrek 
My dad can do a lot of things,he talks a lot and also sings.

By Renei


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