Monday, September 6, 2021

Maths With Mrs Allan

 Last week I joined Mrs Allan's google meet class and I learn't a lot with my classmates/friends. Rm 1 and rm 7 students won a lot of trophies and we all participated in maths it was fun actually. We all got to play kahoot and we did a math type of kahoot because it was math class I also won all of them.

here are some pictures hope you enjoyed.


  1. Ka rawe, congratulations on your wins and learning in maths with Mrs Allan.
    I see you've been working on algebra, that can be a challenging area for many students as well as adults. Can say if there's anything specific about the topic you feel better knowing more about?
    Great post, Renei :)
    Mr N

  2. Kia Ora Renei, I am delighted that you have attended math class, and hope you will continue attending. I was pleased to see how willing you were to learn about gradient today. Well done. Awesome mahi! Ms Allan.

  3. 1st place woop woop! Well done you for attending your google meets and working so hard during lockdown. What type of maths questions were they?

  4. Very awesome Renei,
    Congratulations on the wins, very impressive. Looks like you must enjoy doing maths and especially learning it in a fun way that Mrs Allan's class does it. What especially have you enjoyed in the maths classes? Why do you think you are enjoying them so much?

  5. Talofa Renei,
    Amazing work on achieving that much wins. It was so fun doing it. It was very pleasing to play. Wow, what lesson did you enjoy the most in the classes? Man, if I had to choose it would probably when we did the snail race. Ka pai. I hope forward to seeing more wins.


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